The Blue Ridge Bonsai Society supports and promotes the art of bonsai in the region around Asheville, NC. We meet together monthly, providing companionship, education, and workshops from beginner to advanced level and we exhibit in various shows during the year.
A Goal: To help each member gain in knowledge of how to develop a show-quality bonsai.
We can be contacted at blueridgebonsaisociety@gmail.com.
2025 Meetings and Events
In general, when the meeting place availability and meeting content allows, the time from 1:00-2:00 pm will be available for informal conversation, tree advice, and sharing. The formal meeting will be from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Guests wishing to try out a meeting are welcome but are asked to please let the club know at least one week in advance by emailing blueridgebonsaisociety@gmail.com.
2025 Upcoming Meetings
April 13: The North Carolina Arboretum (Education Center Classroom)
1:00 - 2:30
Bonsai artist Frank McDermott from Rustling Leaf Bonsai will be building a lace bark elm forest on a granite slab with approximately 30-50 trees. He will be using muck that he makes himself and and will demonstrate techniques of tree placement by size, how to work the roots, how to apply moss and multiple other components it takes to create a slab forest. The trees he will be using were collected 2 years ago and trained just for this purpose. This slab planting will be donated to the club when finished.
In addition, Frank is offering kits for members to pre-order and take home to construct their own Lace Bark Elm slab forest. The cost will be $100/kit for club members and will consist of 12-14 trees of various sizes, 1 granite slab (5-9 inches in various shapes), 1 bag of muck, and 1 bag of moss and will be delivered at the meeting. To pre-order kits, contact Frank McDermott at Rustlingleafbonsai@gmail.com . He will accept pre-payment via Venmo or PayPal.
2:30 - 4:00
Bring a tree for sharing/advice or to work on
April TBD: Field trip to the bonsai garden and studio of John Geanangel near Columbia, SC. John is a highly accomplished bonsai professional widely recognized for his expertise in collecting and developing Bald Cypress bonsai and for his creative approach to bonsai in general. John is a wonderful teacher and will offer club members a demonstration/program. In addition to viewing his beautiful and innovative bonsai displays, members will also be able to purchase trees at all levels of development and browse a large assortment of rocks and slabs for plantings. More details to come.
May 10 & 11: The North Carolina Arboretum (Bonsai Garden Pavilion)
10:00 - 5:00 at the Bonsai Pavilion
A celebration of World Bonsai Day by the Club Members through informative bonsai discussion and several working demos (styling, pruning, wiring) with different trees, to share our knowledge and passion with the appreciative visitors to the Bonsai Pavilion. This is a very fun weekend for all.
Open to the Public and Club Members
June 7-8: 2025 BRBS Bonsai Exhibition at the NC Arboretum
10:00 - 5:00 each day
See more information of this exciting event on the right hand side of this page
Open to the Public and Club Members
2025 Completed Meetings
January 12: Asheville Botanical Gardens
This meeting was canceled due to the winter storm
February 9: The North Carolina Arboretum (Education Center Classroom)
1:00 - 2:30:
Bring a tree to share or work on
2:30 - 4:00
Member led discussion by Jonas Johnson on Black Pines. Jonas will discuss and highlight the unique characteristics of this species and when it comes time for pruning, wiring and de-candling. Black Pines have a slightly different timetable of care than most bonsai.
February 15: Spartanburg, SC area
A field trip to Greg & Candy Hinson’s farm for tree harvesting. There were a variety of trees to harvest from the ground and Greg spent time with each person going over the trees’ different characteristics for selection. The Hinsons generously provided a lunch, drinks and cookies!
Two(2) lucky people attended after a ticket purchasing raffle at the January 9th meeting.
The even was only for current Club Members, so be sure to join to have your chance next year!
SHOWN - Collected Chalk Maple
March 9: The North Carolina Arboretum (Education Center Auditorium)
1:30 - 4:00: The Arboretum’s renowned bonsai curator Arthur Joura, hosted his Spring discussion/ demonstration while he styles a tree. Arthur has decades of experience and he generously shared it with us in this working demo format.
Demo Title: Resurrection of the "Chase Grove
In 1997 the Arboretum received a donation of a bonsai tray landscape featuring Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress. The donation came from a well-known bonsai artist in Pennsylvania named Chase Rosade. This large and popular planting was often on display in the bonsai garden, until 2021 when it was taken off display because the unique fabricated container in which it was planted began to crumble. A new container has been made and now it's time to rebuild the landscape and get it back on display.
The event was open to the Public and Club Members

The Blue Ridge Bonsai Society will be holding its 2025 BRBS Bonsai Exhibition at the NC Arboretum in Asheville, NC on Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th, 10am - 5pm each day. This year's Exhibition will feature guest artist Chris Baker, Bonsai Curator at the Chicago Botanical Garden. Chris will be giving a demo/program, multiple workshops, and a commentary on club member trees displayed in the show. Over 70 trees are expected to be displayed representing all levels, from early to refined. The Exhibition will also include displays of suiseki stones and kusamono accent plants. In addition, several club members will be informally working on their bonsai trees throughout the day and will be available to answer questions. The club will also host several vendors who will be selling bonsai, pre-bonsai, pottery, tools, soil, and various other supplies. Bonsai hobbyists and enthusiasts, as well as the general public, are invited to attend!

Interesting Topics on
Our Tips, Advice, & More page
BRBS Monthly Bonsai Tips
Download a short, clear statement of what each of us should be doing for our bonsai each month, correct for our geography, written by a small committee of our most experienced members--Felix Laughlin, Peggy Snow, and Troy Schmidt.
Also, thanks to Bjorn Bjorholm, for sharing with us his excellent summary on "Pesticides and Insecticides."
Download a PPT presentation by Daniel Coffey on the new "Shag Rug" method of creating a bonsai forest on a rock.
A new source--VSANA--devoted to suiseki (viewing stones).